Monday, May 3, 2010

Putting My Cover together

What to include

DVD cover research

Before i began creating my DVD cover i decided that i needed to do a bit of research online as to what average DVD covers look like.
I gathered of few pf my favourite of the internet and uploaded them onto my blog so that i would have a go0d understanding of what sort of guidlines/ templates to include on my own DVD cover. Here is a few examples

Sunday, May 2, 2010

My completed Advertisement

CHoosing My photo

As despite having a large number of photos, i only had 2 varietys. The Close up of just faces or a full body shot of the girls wearing bright tights.
I picked One out of each category that i felt looked the most proffesional and clearest and decided to ask my audience which one they preffered.
Again i used a chart method and asked a sample of people between the age of 15 - 18 as they were my main target audience.

Here is the uploaded chart with a clear winner.


Here is an image of the photo I took and the Girl band that inspired it , side by side to see how they compare.

I edited my photo by changing it to black and white and then by using PAINTSHOP PRO to select the Girls tights and used the tool colourize to enhance the colour. Here is what it looked like

The Saturdays My Band.

Spice Girls My Band.

As you can see Here i copied the idea of Using a completely Black background with just the girls faces to draw attention to their face.

My first potential Photos

Here is a small collage of the first photos I took .
After referring back to my Girl Band mind map i decided that i liked the Idea of using bold seperate colours for each member of the band and did soemthing similar myself.