Thursday, October 8, 2009

Summer Descions. ( August/ September)

My Chosen brief - A promotion package for the release of an album , to include a music promo video , together with two of the following options:
  • A website homepage for the band
  • A cover for its release on DVD
  • A magazine advertisement for the DVD

Out of the three possible minor tasks i have chosen to do the cover for its release on DVD and a magazine advertisement for the DVD and a magazine advertisement. I chose these two as i enjoy working on both paintshop pro and Indesign and have experience in both programs through GCSE photography so i figured these were both tasks i would enjoy doing and would be most successful in.

Initially i chose to do a promotion package for a new film including a teaser trailer as for my AS coursework i put together a horror trailer and enjoyed doing it , therefore i began in the summer putting together ideas for a horror trailer, however flaws began to show in this plan as i realised i didn't have the right equipment or skills to create the trailer with the special effects needed to the standard i wanted therfore i changed my idea to The Music Video, which i beleived i could make more successfully.